Cinderella’s Dance
A delightful show of dance, music and puppet theatre
An original and revolutionary retelling of the beloved fairy tale. Cinderella is a feminist heroine, who doesn’t wait for miracles but takes things into her own hands, making her dreams come true.
Through the marvellous music of Prokofiev’s ballet, Cinderella vivifies objects and puppets, making them characters in the story. Instead of a fairy-tale Prince, Cinderella choses the charming pianist who performs live music on stage. They both live happily ever after and enjoy sweeping the floors of their palace together while dancing.
“An elegant and aesthetic performance, intelligent in its
originality and skillfully performed. In short – recommended.”
Maariv Newspaper
Performance duration:
40 Minutes
Number of dancers:
Minimal stage dimensions:
9m length x 7m depth X 3m height
Number of viewers:
for a full stage performance Maximum 500, for a small stage/studio performance Maximum 120
“Nima Jacoby and the pianist Oron Dahan courageously retell a classic
fairytale from a new and interesting perspective. They certainly
deserve all the applause they get at the end of the performance”.
Kinderland website
Choreography and dance: Nima Jacoby I Dance and piano: Oron Dahan I Music: Sergei Prokofiev I Text: Israel Bright I Narrator: Omer Frenkel I Costumes and sets: Sivan Veinshtein I Lighting Design: Adi Shimroni I Puppets: Valerie Forman l Photoes: Gadi Dagon l Graphic Design: Gili Reuveni